
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Watermelon Nails!

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic Thrusday! Mine is going pretty well. I have nothing to complain about which is always a good thing in my opinion. Plus, I have some good news. I got a job yesterday! ^_^ I am so excited to get to work and make some money so I can buy more nail polish! So in case I disappear from time to time, I will be back. I just need to get into the groove of juggling work with my free time and nail art. Thanks for your patience.

With all that said, I'm working on setting up a posting schedule. I'm planning on at least posting one day a week, more depending on my workload and whether or not I have something awesome to show you. Any ideas on what day(s) of the week would be best? Should I stick with posting on Thursdays or should I do something like "Mani Mondays"? Slap a comment on this post giving me your ideas.

Anyways, lets get onto the design, shall we? ;)

The other day, my youngest sister asked me if I had ever done watermelon nails. That's when it came to me that I hadn't! I feel like I had to change that as soon as possible. So this design is for you, Liza! And I really like what I ended up with. It's a cute, fun, and really easy design.

For my pinky, middle and index fingers, I started with a base color of Knockout Pink by Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear. Once that dried, I grabbed my chunky, matte black glitter polish (Beyond Time & Space by Kleancolor) and picked out some large and tiny glitters and placed them randomly on the nail.

The rind of the watermelon was a little trickier, though in no way was it hard. On my thumb and ring finger, I started with a base color of Just in Lime! by Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear. I then took a slightly darker green (Starboard by China Glaze) and painted two squiggly, messy stripes down each nail. When that was dry, I took a sparkly green (Watermelon Rind by China Glaze) and very lightly painted over the darker green.

I finishes all my nails up with a layer of topcoat, Seche Vite, and they were done! Easy as that.

I hope you all enjoyed this easy design for summer. I can't believe we're already so close to August. Yikes! Before I know it, I'll be planning some Halloween nail designs. Wow! Oh, also, MERRY CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!!
~Samantha Rae


Pink Base: Knockout Pink by Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear
Green Base: Just in Lime! by Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear
Dark Green: Starboard by China Glaze
Sparkle Green: Watermelon Rind by China Glaze
Black Glitter: Beyond Time & Space by Kleancolor

*Polishes purchased by me. The opinions above are my own and should be taken as such. I am not a professional.*

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